IAO_0000578 - centrally registered identifier¶
centrally registered identifier
Alternate name
Sub class of
An information content entity that consists of a CRID symbol and additional information about the CRID registry to which it belongs.
Definition source
Original proposal from Bjoern, discussions at IAO calls
The sentence “The article has Pubmed ID 12345.” contains a CRID that has two parts: one part is the CRID symbol, which is ‘12345’; the other part denotes the CRID registry, which is Pubmed.
Editor’s note
2014-05-05: In defining this term we take no position on what the CRID denotes. In particular do not assume it denotes a record in the CRID registry (since the registry might not have ‘records’).
Alan, IAO call 20101124: potentially the CRID denotes the instance it was associated with during creation.
Note, IAO call 20101124: URIs are not always CRID, as not centrally registered. We acknowledge that CRID is a subset of a larger identifier class, but this subset fulfills our current needs. OBI PURLs are CRID as they are registered with OCLC. UPCs (Universal Product Codes from AC Nielsen)are not CRID as they are not centrally registered.
Term editor
PERSON: Alan Ruttenberg
PERSON: Bill Hogan
PERSON: Bjoern Peters
PERSON: Melanie Courtot