Organization Ontology Domain Definition

The Organization Ontology is used to represent basic facts regarding organizations, their structure, functions, interests, locations, and their associations with other organizations and people.

Ontology Competency Questions 1

  1. What organizations, in this region, have this interest? Have this disposition? How can I get in contact with these organizations?

  2. What is the organizational chart of this organization? How many departments does this university have? How many branches does that company have?

  3. Which organizations are members of this association?

  4. What people have memberships, affiliations, or other roles in which organizations?

  5. How can I learn more about this organization? What is its home page, its Wikipedia page?

  6. How did this organization come to be and/or come to end? What documents, people, other organizations were involved in the creation, change, or end of this organization?

  7. How is this organization identified in registries of organizations?

Consequences and Observations

  1. Associating scholarly works, outputs, and projects with organizations is beyond the scope of this ontology. Other ontologies represent scholarly works.

  2. Similarly, associations of organizations with performances and events are beyond the scope of this ontology. Other ontologies represented performances and events.



Competency questions are questions the ontology, including individuals represented using the ontology, should be able to answer. They are indications of the purpose of the ontology. Questions are likely to be nuanced.