Dates Data

The Organization Ontology includes a template (templates\dates.tsv) and data (templates\dates.ttl) built from the template for the dates from 1800-2050 in year precision, one individual per year. Most organizations have been established, or changed in this time period, and year precision is often “good enough” for specifying these events.

The data have been created with standard URLs of the form

A sample date is given below:

    rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual ,
                 <> ;
        <> <> ;
        <> "2021-01-01T00:00:00Z"^^xsd:dateTimeStamp .

Including the file data/dates.ttl in your graph should provide you with all the dates in year precision from 1800-2050. You can then use these dates in assertions about years. For example, to assert organization x was established in 1853 (see Dates and Time) you can say:

x output_of y
y a founding_process
y has_occurent_part z
z a founding_process_boundary
z has_instant <>