Object Properties

Object properties relate one entity to another (not one class to another) [Harmse2018]. For example, an organization may be “part of” another organization. “part of” is an object property that describes the relations between the two individual organizations.

Basic Formal Ontology (BFO) uses the Relation Ontology (RO) to define object properties.

Each object property can have a domain and a range. When we say property p has domain D, we mean that all triples of the form x P y, x is a D. When we say property p has range R, we mean that in all triples of the form x P y, y is an R.

For example, if we define an object property “author_of”, we might define the domain to be “Person” and the range to be “Information Content Entity”. If we write x author_of y, we know x is a Person and y is an Information Content Entity. 1

Common Object Properties

Some object properties are quite common in the representation of scholarship. Many representations involve the use of identifiers. People, publications, organizations and other entities may be “denoted_by” an identifier. We assert, for example,:

x a Person
x denoted_by y

“denoted_by” has an inverse property “denotes.” If x is denoted_by y, then y denotes x. We could write the above as:

x a Person
y denotes x

See Table 16 Common Object Properties. The pattern entity1 bearer_of role; role realized_in process; process has_output entity2 is quite common and describes the role entity1 had through a process in the creation of entity2. Each of these properties has an inverse, so we could assert equivalently, entity2 output_of process; process realizes role; role inheres in entity1.

Table 16 Common Object Properties





part of

An entity is part of another entity


has part

Inverse of part of



The relation between an identifier and entity


denoted by

Inverse of denotes


bearer of

relation between a dependent and its bearer


inheres in

The inverse of bearer of



A process realizes a role


realized in

A role is realized in a process


has output

An occurrent has a continuant as an output


output of

A continuant is the output of an occurrent


has quality

An entity has another entity as a quality


quality of

An entity is a quality of another entity

All Object Properties

See Table 7.

Table 7 Object Properties

Term ID - Label


BFO_0000050 - part of

A core relation that holds between a part and its


BFO_0000051 - has part

A core relation that holds between a whole and its


BFO_0000054 - realized in

A relation between a realizable entity and a

process, where there is some material entity that

is bearer of the realizable entity and

participates in the process, and the realizable

entity comes to be realized in the course of the


BFO_0000055 - realizes

A relation between a process and a realizable

entity, where there is some material entity that

is bearer of the realizable entity and

participates in the process, and the realizable

entity comes to be realized in the course of the


IAO_0000136 - is about

A (currently) primitive relation that relates an

information artifact to an entity.

IAO_0000219 - denotes

A primitive, instance-level, relation obtaining

between an information content entity and some

portion of reality. Denotation is what happens

when someone creates an information content entity

E in order to specifically refer to something. The

only relation between E and the thing is that E

can be used to ‘pick out’ the thing. This relation

connects those two together. Freedictionary.com

sense 3: To signify directly; refer to


IAO_0000235 - denoted by

Inverse of the relation ‘denotes’

ORG_2000001 - occupies

The property that associates an organization

occupies a geographical location is it has one of

more people at the location, or has legal rights

to the location

ORG_2000002 - has occurent part

The property that associates an occurent which has

an occurent part wholly contained within it

ORG_2000003 - has time instant

The property that associates a process boundary

with the time instant at which the process

boundary occurs

ORG_2000004 - has organizational interest

The property that associates an organization with

a concept that the organization manifests in its


ORG_2000005 - has website

The property that associates an organization with

its website

ORG_2000006 - website of

The property that associates a website with its


ORG_2000007 - has successor organization

The property that associates an organization with

the organization that succeeds it. The preceeding

organization ceases to exist, the successor is

brought into existence

ORG_2000008 - successor organization of

The property that associates an on organization

with the organization that preceeded it

ORG_2000009 - has organizational part

The property that associates an organization with

one of its organizational parts

ORG_2000010 - organizational part of

The property that associates an organization part

with the organization of which it is a part

ORG_2000011 - affiliated with

The property that associates an organization with

another organization that is not an organizational

part associatiion

ORG_2000012 - has spin-off organization

The property that associates an organization with

a part that is now independent

ORG_2000013 - spin-off organization of

The property that associates an organization with

an organization of which it was formerly a part

ORG_2000014 - has organizational member

The property that associates an organization with

one of its members

ORG_2000015 - organizational member of

The property that associates a member organizaiton

with the organization of which it is a member

ORG_2000016 - has organizational employee

The property that assocates an organization with

an employee of the organization

ORG_2000017 - organizational employee of

The property that associates a person with the

organization of which that person is an employee

ORG_2000018 - has organizational associate

The property that associates an organization with

a person who is associated with the organization

ORG_2000019 - organizational associate of

The property that associates a person with an

organization with which they are associated

ORG_2000020 - has organizational head

The property that associates an organziation with

the person who is the head of the organization

ORG_2000021 - organizational head of

The property that associates a person with an

organization which they are they head of

ORG_2000022 - has organizational volunteer

The property that associates an organization with

a person who volunteers for the organization

ORG_2000023 - organizational volunteer of

The property that associates a person with an

organization for which they volunteer

ORG_2000024 - has organizational appointee

The property that associates an organization with

a person who is appointed by the organization to

some post or position within the organization

ORG_2000025 - organizational appointee of

The property that associates a person with the

organization which has appointed the person to

some post or position within the organization

ORG_2000026 - has person member

The property that associates an organization with

a person who is a member of the organization

ORG_2000027 - person member of

The property that associates a person with an

organization of which the person is a member

RO_0000052 - inheres in

A relation between a specifically dependent

continuant (the dependent) and an independent

continuant (the bearer), in which the dependent

specifically depends on the bearer for its


RO_0000053 - bearer of

A relation between an independent continuant (the

bearer) and a specifically dependent continuant

(the dependent), in which the dependent

specifically depends on the bearer for its


RO_0000056 - participates in

A relation between a continuant and a process, in

which the continuant is somehow involved in the


RO_0000057 - has participant

A relation between a process and a continuant, in

which the continuant is somehow involved in the


RO_0000080 - quality of

A relation between a quality and an independent

continuant (the bearer), in which the quality

specifically depends on the bearer for its


RO_0000081 - role of

A relation between a role and an independent

continuant (the bearer), in which the role

specifically depends on the bearer for its


RO_0000086 - has quality

A relation between an independent continuant (the

bearer) and a quality, in which the quality

specifically depends on the bearer for its


RO_0000087 - has role

A relation between an independent continuant (the

bearer) and a role, in which the role specifically

depends on the bearer for its existence

RO_0000091 - has disposition

A relation between an independent continuant (the

bearer) and a disposition, in which the

disposition specifically depends on the bearer for

its existence

RO_0000092 - disposition of

Inverse of has disposition

RO_0001015 - location of

A relation between two independent continuants,

the location and the target, in which the target

is entirely within the location

RO_0001025 - located in

A relation between two independent continuants,

the target and the location, in which the target

is entirely within the location

RO_0002012 - occurent part of

A part of relation that applies only between


RO_0002131 - overlaps

X overlaps y if and only if there exists some z

such that x has part z and z part of y

RO_0002234 - has output

P has output c iff c is a participant in p, c is

present at the end of p, and c is not present at

the beginning of p.

RO_0002323 - mereotopologically related to

A mereological relationship or a topological


RO_0002353 - output of

Inverse of has output

unitType - temporal unit type

An indicator of the temporal precision of a time




Harmse, Henrietta, A Common Misconception regarding OWL Properties, blog post, https://henrietteharmse.com/2018/06/22/a-common-misconception-regarding-owl-properties/



Are these the correct domain and range for such a property? Discuss.