Translating from ROR to the Organization Ontology

Research Organization Registry (ROR) provides data on over 95,000 research organizations in the world. ROR data is available CC0, curated, and via an open API.

Translating Types

The ROR Organization types are listed in Table 18 ROR types are high-level and can be multi-valued, much as Organization Ontology dispositions are multi-valued.

Organizations without research disposition are out of scope for ROR. All organizations in ROR can be asserted to have research disposition.

Table 18 provides a guide for translating ROR organizational types to assertions in the VIVO Organization Ontology.

Table 18 Translating ROR types to VIVO Organizational assertions

ROR Type

VIVO Organization Ontology Assertions


Unknown type. Assert Organization only.

Disposition is education, research


Unknown type. Assert organization only.

Disposition is healthcare, research.


Type is company.

Disposition is research.


Type is unknown. Assert Organization only.

Disposition is archive, research.


Type is nonprofit

Disposition is research.


Type is government organization

Disposition is research.


Type is unknown. Organization only.

Disposition is research.


Type is unknown.

Disposition is research.