
Classes are collections of individuals. A university, a nonprofit, building, and a role in a project are all individuals. Classes of individuals are defined by specifying members (extension) or more frequently in scholarship, by specifying conditions (intension).

In ontologies, and using OWL, individuals instances of classes. Classes are arranged in subsumption hierarchies, indicating that individuals in one class are members of some higher class. For example, a cat is a mammal. Your cat is an instance of the class cat. All cats are mammals. We say cat is a subclass of mammal. We can infer that all individuals that are cats are mammals. Your cat is a cat, so we can infer your cat is a mammal.

All Classes

See Table 5.

Table 5 Classes

Term ID - Label


BFO_0000001 - entity

The fundamental thing that has existence. All

things that exist are entities.

BFO_0000002 - continuant

An entity which has existence in time

BFO_0000003 - occurrent

An entity which occurs in time

BFO_0000004 - independent continuant

B is an independent continuant = Def. b is a

continuant which is such that there is no c and no

t such that b s-depends_on c at t. (axiom label in

BFO2 Reference: [017-002])

BFO_0000008 - temporal region

An occurent which is some part of time

BFO_0000015 - process

P is a process = Def. p is an occurrent that has

temporal proper parts and for some time t, p

s-depends_on some material entity at t. (axiom

label in BFO2 Reference: [083-003]) [has axiom


BFO_0000016 - disposition

A realizable entity that presents in a continuant

BFO_0000017 - realizable entity

To say that b is a realizable entity is to say

that b is a specifically dependent continuant that

inheres in some independent continuant which is

not a spatial region and is of a type instances of

which are realized in processes of a correlated

type. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [058-002])

BFO_0000019 - quality

A quality is a specifically dependent continuant

that, in contrast to roles and dispositions, does

not require any further process in order to be


BFO_0000020 - specifically dependent continuant

B is a specifically dependent continuant = Def. b

is a continuant & there is some independent

continuant c which is not a spatial region and

which is such that b s-depends_on c at every time

t during the course of b’s existence. (axiom label

in BFO2 Reference: [050-003]) [has axiom label:]

BFO_0000023 - role

B is a role means: b is a realizable entity & b

exists because there is some single bearer that is

in some special physical, social, or institutional

set of circumstances in which this bearer does not

have to be& b is not such that, if it ceases to

exist, then the physical make-up of the bearer is

thereby changed.

BFO_0000029 - site

B is a site means: b is a three-dimensional

immaterial entity that is (partially or wholly)

bounded by a material entity or it is a

three-dimensional immaterial part thereof. (axiom

label in BFO2 Reference: [034-002])

BFO_0000031 - generically dependent continuant

B is a generically dependent continuant = Def. b

is a continuant that g-depends_on one or more

other entities. (axiom label in BFO2 Reference:

[074-001]) [has axiom label:]

BFO_0000035 - process boundary

P is a process boundary =Def. p is a temporal part

of a process & p has no proper temporal parts.

(axiom label in BFO2 Reference: [084-001]) [has

axiom label:]

BFO_0000038 - one-dimensional temporal region

A one-dimensional temporal region is a temporal

region that is extended. (axiom label in BFO2

Reference: [103-001])

BFO_0000040 - material entity

A material entity is an independent continuant

that has some portion of matter as proper or

improper continuant part. (axiom label in BFO2

Reference: [019-002])

BFO_0000141 - immaterial entity

An immaterial entity is the boundary or interior

of a material entity

BFO_0000148 - zero-dimensional temporal region

A temporal region of no duration.

IAO_0000030 - information content entity

A generically dependent continuant that is about

some thing.

IAO_0000422 - postal address

A textual entity that is used as directive to

deliver something to a person, or organization

IAO_0000429 - email address

A designation used to deliver email to a

recipient. Typically has an associated email


IAO_0000578 - centrally registered identifier

An information content entity that consists of a

CRID symbol and additional information about the

CRID registry to which it belongs.

IAO_0020000 - identifier

An identifier is an information content entity

that is the outcome of a dubbing process and is

used to refer to one instance of entity shared by

a group of people to refer to that individual


IAO_0022003 - crossref funder identifier

An identifier assigned by CrossRef to an

organization which has funded a project resulting

in a published work

IAO_0022006 - dbpedia identifier

A URL used by DBpedia to identify an entity

IAO_0022010 - global research organization identifier

An identifier assigned and managed by Digital

Science for the purpose of denoting research


IAO_0022014 - international standard name identifier

An identifier for persons and organizations which

may be assigned by matching algorithms based on

records provided by publishers

IAO_0022022 - research organization registry identifier

An identifier assigned by ROR to research

organizations in the world

IAO_0022027 - wikidata q number

QID (or Q number) is the unique identifier of a

data item on Wikidata, comprising the letter “Q”

followed by one or more digits.

IAO_0022057 - ringgold identifier

The Ringgold Identifier is a unique numerical

identifier applied to organizations in the

scholarly supply chain

NCBITaxon_9606 - Homo sapiens

The species of bipedal primates to which moden

humans belong

ORG_0000001 - organization

A group of people recognized as such by people

outside the group that come together for a


ORG_0000002 - government organization

An organization which is the body of persons that

constitutes the governing authority of a political


ORG_0000003 - company

A legal entity of associated persons created for a

specific purpose, typically commercial, in which

excess revenue may be distributed to the company’s


ORG_0000004 - nonprofit organization

A legal entity of associated persons created for a

specific purpose, typically a mission, in which

excess revenue is reinvested to serve the entity’s


ORG_0000005 - informal organization

A group of people recognized as such by people

outside the group. Without legal standing.

ORG_0000006 - organization part

An organization which exists as part of another

organization. Implies a part_of relationship to

another organization

ORG_0000007 - university disposition

A disposition to award academic degrees and

conduct research in a variety of academic


ORG_0000008 - association disposition

A disposition to organize organizations or

individuals along and industry or academic lines

ORG_0000009 - consortium disposition

A disposition to organize organizations along

industry or academic lines

ORG_0000010 - service provider disposition

A disposition to provide service with or without a


ORG_0000011 - laboratory disposition

A disposition to provide laboratory services. In

the US, organization parts in universities that

have a disposition to provide laboratory services

to others are called core laboratories

ORG_0000012 - extension provider disposition

A disposition to provide extension services,

typically in agriculture. Extension provides

access to university research findings and advice

to agriculturalists.

ORG_0000013 - technology transfer disposition

A disposition to create licenses for intellectual

property for use by these beyond the creators

ORG_0000014 - philanthropy disposition

A disposition to donate charitable causes,

sometimes in the form of grants involving

contracts regarding the use of the donated funds

or effort.

ORG_0000015 - funding disposition

A disposition to fund proposals, often is response

to a call for proposals by the entity with the

funding disposition

ORG_0000016 - health care service provider disposition

A disposition to provider health care to humans

ORG_0000017 - hospital service provider disposition

A disposition to provide hospital-based health

care services to humans

ORG_0000018 - archive disposition

A disposition to collect, store, and provide

access to inanimate material entities, and/or

information content entitites

ORG_0000019 - museum disposition

A disposition to collect, store, and provide

access to inanimate material entities in a


ORG_0000020 - gallery disposition

A disposition to display collected works from an


ORG_0000021 - publishing disposition

A disposition to publish information content


ORG_0000022 - research disposition

A disposition to conduct research

ORG_0000023 - education disposition

A disposition to teach, and provide experiential

opprtunities for students

ORG_0000024 - training disposition

A disposition to train, and provide experiential

opportunities for trainees

ORG_0000025 - research administration disposition

A disposition to provide resources and oversight

for those conducting research

ORG_0000026 - library disposition

A disposition to provide library services

ORG_0000027 - commerce disposition

A disposition to sell things

ORG_0000028 - military disposition

A disposition to engage in warfare

ORG_0000029 - religious disposition

A disposition to engage in matters of spirtuality

and faith

ORG_0000030 - governing disposition

A disposition to provide governance

ORG_0000031 - manufacturing disposition

A dispositon to construct material entities

ORG_0000032 - project team disposition

A disposition to execute and finish a project.

ORG_0000033 - sports disposition

A disposition to engage in sports activites,

typically competitive.

ORG_0000034 - information address quality

A quality of an address to be used for information


ORG_0000035 - billing address quality

A quality of an address to be used to receive


ORG_0000036 - shipping address quality

A quality of an address to be used to receive

shipped goods

ORG_0000037 - preferred address quality

A quality of an address to be displayed in most


ORG_0000038 - homepage quality

A quality to be the primary website for an entity.

ORG_0000039 - wikipedia quality

A quality to be the webpage within WikiPedia

regarding the entity

ORG_0000040 - architectural structure

A material entity that is a human made strcuture

with firm connection between its foundation and

the ground.

ORG_0000041 - campus

The geographic location consisting of the grounds

or property of a school, college, university,

business, church, or hospital, often understood to

include buildings and other structures.

ORG_0000042 - facility

An architectural structure that bears some


ORG_0000043 - building

A permanent walled and roofed construction

ORG_0000044 - room

A space contained by a partitioned part of the

inside of a building. Often has an identifier.

ORG_0000045 - geographic region

A place on the earth. Not necessarily contiguous

ORG_0000046 - geographic point

A point located on the earth

ORG_0000047 - continent

One of the main landmasses of the globe, usually

reckoned as seven in number (Europe, Asia, Africa,

North America, South America, Australia, and


ORG_0000048 - country

The territory governed by a sovereign state.

ORG_0000049 - region

A subdivision of the territory of a country

ORG_0000050 - populated place

A named place on the earth occupied by people

ORG_0000051 - founding process

The process by which the organization was founded

ORG_0000052 - founding process boundary

The process boundary which defines the moment of

creation of an orgnization. Before the moment

the organization does not exist. After the

moment, the organization exists.

ORG_0000053 - dissolution process

The process by which an organization no longer


ORG_0000054 - dissolution process boundary

The process boundary which marks the moment at

which the organization no longer exists

ORG_0000055 - succession process

The process by which one organization gores out of

existence and is succeeded by a new organization

ORG_0000056 - succession process boundary

The process boundary within a succession process.

Complex succesion processes may have many


ORG_0000057 - web site

The information content entity consisting of a

group of World Wide Web pages usually containing

hyperlinks to each other and made available online

by an individual, company, educational

institution, government, or organization

ORG_0000058 - spin-off process

The process by which one organization spins off of


ORG_0000059 - spin-off process boundary

The boundary of a spin-off process

ORG_0000060 - organizational membership

The asymmetric relationship involving two

organizations in which one is a member of the


ORG_0000061 - organizational member role

The role of an organization in being a member of


ORG_0000062 - organizational member grantor role

The role of an organization in granting a member

role to another

ORG_0000063 - student led organization quality

The quality of an organization that is led by a


ORG_0000064 - woman led organization quality

The quality of an organization that is led by a


ORG_0000065 - minority led organization quality

The quality of an organiztion that is led by a

designated minority

ORG_0000066 - registered address quality

The quality of a location that is the

legal/registered location for the organization

ORG_0000067 - primary address quality

The quality of a location that is the

primary/preferred location for the organization

ORG_0000068 - organizational position

The asymmetric relationship between an

organization and a person in which a person has a

role in the positon, as does the organization.

ORG_0000069 - organizational employee role

The role of a person to be an employee of an


ORG_0000070 - organizational employor role

The role of an organization to employ a person

ORG_0000071 - organizational associate role

The role of a person to be an associate of an


ORG_0000072 - organizational associate grantor role

The role of an organization to grant associate

status to a person

ORG_0000073 - organizatonal head role

The role of a person to be the head of an


ORG_0000074 - organizational head grantor role

The role of an organization to grant head status

to a person

ORG_0000075 - organizational appointee role

The role of a person to be an appointee of an


ORG_0000076 - organizational appointee grantor role

The role of an organization to grant appointee

status to a person

ORG_0000077 - organizational volunteer role

The role of a person to be a volunteer of an


ORG_0000078 - organizational volunteer grantor role

The role of an organization to grant volunteer

status to a person

ORG_0000079 - airline disposition

The disposition of an organization that operates

airplanes carrying frieght or passengers

ORG_0000080 - media disposition

The disposition of an organization that creates,

transmits, and/or licenses live or recorded

material for viewing by others

ORG_0000081 - performing disposition

The disposition of an organization to perform live

or recorded music, theatre, or dance

ORG_0000082 - labor union disposition

The disposition of an organization to organize

workers for the purpose of negotiations with

employers of the workers

ORG_0000083 - person membership

The asymmetric relationship representing a

person’s membership in an organization

ORG_0000084 - person member role

The role of a person to be a member of an


ORG_0000085 - person member grantor role

The role of an organization to grant membership to

a person

ORG_0000086 - academic department disposition

The disposition of an organization part to serve

as an academic department, with faculty, courses,

programs, focused on an academic discipline

ORG_0000087 - academic college disposition

The disposition of an organization part to serve

as an academic college, with academic departments

organized within it as parts

ORG_0000088 - committee disposition

The disposition of an organization part to serve

as a a body of persons delegated to consider,

investigate, take action on, or report on some


ORG_0000089 - pre-school disposition

The disposition of an organization to provide

education for very young children, varying by

jurisdiction, but often in the age range 2-5

ORG_0000090 - primary school disposition

The disposition of an organization to provide

education for young children, varying by

jurisdiction, but often in the age range 5-11

ORG_0000091 - middle school disposition

The disposition of an organization to provide

education for children, varying by jurisdiction,

but often in the age range 11-14

ORG_0000092 - secondary school disposition

The disposition of an organization to provide

education for older children, varying by

jurisdiction, but often in the age range 14-18

ORG_0000093 - ror active status

The disposition of an organization to be in

current existence and currently operational

ORG_0000094 - ror inactive status

The disposition of an organization to no longer

exist, or to be currently devoid of operations

Concept - concept (skos)

An idea or notion, a unit of thought

Instant - time instant

A zero-dimensional part of time. Precision may

specify a range. Represented by xsd datetime


TemporalUnit - temporal unit

A specification of a time duration. Used to

specify precision of time instants
