
An identifier is a string or symbol, assigned to an organization by a dubbing process

The Organization Ontology uses The Identifier Ontology to represent identifiers for organizations.

The Identifier Ontology is a small set of terms in Information Artifact Ontology (IAO) to represent identifiers, and in particular, persistent identifiers, often called PIDs. Persistent identifiers are maintained by one or more maintainers interested in the persistence of the identifier and its assignment to an entity over time.

The table below lists identifiers available in the Organization Ontology 1

See Table 4.

Table 4 Identifiers

Term ID - Label


IAO_0022003 - crossref funder identifier

An identifier assigned by CrossRef to an

organization which has funded a project resulting

in a published work

IAO_0022006 - dbpedia identifier

A URL used by DBpedia to identify an entity

IAO_0022010 - global research organization identifier

An identifier assigned and managed by Digital

Science for the purpose of denoting research


IAO_0022014 - international standard name identifier

An identifier for persons and organizations which

may be assigned by matching algorithms based on

records provided by publishers

IAO_0022022 - research organization registry identifier

An identifier assigned by ROR to research

organizations in the world

IAO_0022027 - wikidata q number

QID (or Q number) is the unique identifier of a

data item on Wikidata, comprising the letter “Q”

followed by one or more digits.

IAO_0022057 - ringgold identifier

The Ringgold Identifier is a unique numerical

identifier applied to organizations in the

scholarly supply chain


To assert that an organization has an identifier, we assert the existence of the identifier of a particular type, its value/representation, and its association to the organization. We say:

x denoted_by y
y a research_orgnization_registry_identifier
y has_representation "ror-value"



If a needed organization identifier is not in the table, please open a Github issue with the name and source of the identifier for inclusion in subsequent releases of the Organization Ontology.