Annotation properties

Annotation properties provide text for readers of ontologies to explain the use of terms. Information Artifact Ontology (IAO) defines annotation properties used throughout the VIVO ontologies for defining terms. Table 5 Classes lists the IAO properties used to annotate terms in the ontologies. Table 6 Annotation Properties lists the terms in the controlled vocabulary for curation status. To assert that a term’s metadata is complete, the assertion is:

<term> IAO:0000114 IAO_0000120

Alternative terms (IAO_0000118) are not common in the VIVO ontologies. All other annotations are expected for all terms.

See Table 6.

Table 6 Annotation Properties

Term ID - Label


IAO_0000111 - editor preferred label

The concise, meaningful, and human-friendly name

for a class or property preferred by the ontology

developers. (US-English)

IAO_0000112 - example of usage

A phrase describing how a term should be used

and/or a citation to a work which uses it. May

also include other kinds of examples that

facilitate immediate understanding, such as widely

know prototypes or instances of a class, or cases

where a relation is said to hold.

IAO_0000114 - has curation status

A specification of the state of the metadata for a


IAO_0000115 - definition

The official definition, explaining the meaning of

a class or property. Shall be Aristotelian,

formalized and normalized. Can be augmented with

colloquial definitions.

IAO_0000116 - editor note

An administrative note intended for its editor. It

may not be included in the publication version of

the ontology, so it should contain nothing

necessary for end users to understand the


IAO_0000117 - term editor

Name of editor entering the term in the file. The

term editor is a point of contact for information

regarding the term. The term editor may be, but is

not always, the author of the definition, which

may have been worked upon by several people

IAO_0000118 - alternative term

An alternative name for a class or property which

means the same thing as the preferred name

(semantically equivalent)

IAO_0000119 - definition source

Formal citation, e.g. identifier in external

database to indicate / attribute source(s) for the

definition. Free text indicate / attribute

source(s) for the definition. EXAMPLE: Author

Name, URI, MeSH Term C04, PUBMED ID, Wiki uri on


IAO_0000232 - curator note

An administrative note of use for a curator but of

no use for a user

IAO_0000233 - term tracker item

An IRI or similar locator for a request or

discussion of an ontology term.

IAO_0000412 - imported from

For external terms/classes, the ontology from

which the term was imported

ORG_1000001 - vivo 1 ontology reference

The term in the original VIVO ontology that is

most like the annotated term.

Table 12 Common Annotation Properties





example of usage

A phrase describing how a term should be used


has curation status

A term from a controlled vocabulary



Explains the meaning of a term or property


editor note

An administrative note intended for the term editor


term editor

Name of the editor


alternative term

Alternative name for the term


definition source

Definition citation, may be a link to definition

Table 13 Curation Status





metadata complete

Term has all metadata, but may not be final


organizational term

Tags used to aid ontology development


ready for release

No further edits needed for term


metadata incomplete

Term is under development



Name and class ID, little else


pending final vetting

Complete, awaiting final review


to be replaced with ext

The term is a placeholder and belongs elsewhere

Non IAO Annotation Properties

The VIVO ontologies use other annotation properties to describe terms and the ontologies.

rdfs:label is required for all terms and for the ontology itself. All labels must be unique. This greatly simplifies the use of the ontologies – one can search for the label and unambiguously find the corresponding term.

Ontology annotations

Several annotation are used to describe the ontology and are not used further.

terms:license is required for all ontologies. The license should be CC0 or CC-BY, no other restrictions are acceptable for use in the VIVO ontologies.

owl:versionIRI a URL identifying the ontology version

owl:versionInfo a text string identifying the ontology version

dc:created a date string specifying the date the ontology was originally created

dc:creator a text string with the name and URL of the creator of the ontology

dc:description a text description of the ontology, its domain, and purpose

dc:title the name of the ontology to be used in citations

rdfs:comment additional text describing the context of the ontology

Term annotations

The following annotations are used to describe terms that are imported to the ORG ontology. Most of these are substitutes for the standardized annotation properties describe above in Table 5 Classes.

skos:altLabel skos:definition skos:example skos:prefLabel skos:scopeNote