
The Organization Ontology represents addresses (postal and email) as “things” that denote organizations.

Email Addresses

IAO_0000429 is the term id for the class email address. It is an information artifact that denotes an organization and has a text string representation.

If y is the URI of an organization we can say y has email address by asserting:

y denoted_by x
x a email_address
x has_email_representation ""

Because the email address is a thing, we can assign qualities to it. Email addresses may have purposes (dispositions) to help users route email effectively. We might say:

x has_disposition z
z a information_address_disposition

to indicate that x is an email address that can be used by people to ask questions and get help.

Postal Addresses

Postal addresses are represented in a manner analogous to email addresses – postal addresses are information artifacts that denote an organization. Like email addresses they may have qualities (dispositions) that help people use the postal address effectively. Postal addresses are things. The term ID is IAO_0000422.

Postal addresses are text strings in which the “parts” of a postal address are delimited by semicolons. Applications can parse these strings into parts needed by the application. Parts and parsing vary by jurisdiction but should conform to Universal Postal Union standards in implementations.

To say org y has a billing postal address, we can assert:

y denoted_by x
x a postal_address
x has_disposition z
z a billing_address_disposition
x has_postal_address_representation "line 1; line 2; city; region; country; postal-code"

Terms used to represent Addresses

Table 11 Terms used to represent addresses lists term ids used in the representation of addresses

Table 11 Terms used to represent addresses



IAO_0000235 - denoted by

An organization is denoted by an address

IAO_0000429 - email address

An entity with properties and a value

ORG_3000002 - has email representation

A datatype property to contain an email address string

RO_0000091 - has disposition

Object property relating an entity to a disposition

ORG_0000031 - manufacturing disposition

A quality of an adress to obtain information

IAO_0000422 - postal address

An entity with properties and a value for postal delivery

ORG_0000032 - project team disposition

An address used to send bills to an entity

ORG_3000003 - has postal address representation

An datatype property to contain a postal address string