SPARQL scripts for getting information from your VIVO
Contact list for unit Advanced UF
NIH Open Access Compliance Report Advanced UF
Data Management
List the triples with a specified subject URI Easy
Find the graph that contains a specified triple Easy
Count the high level entities in VIVO Medium UF
Find all web pages that have a web address containing the text "shands" Medium
Find authorships that do not link to people Medium
Find organizations without labels Medium
List organizations for data cleaning Medium UF
Find academic departments without web pages Medium UF
Find people to remove from VIVO Advanced UF
Alphabetical list of people who have opted-in to being listed in UF VIVO Easy UF
Frequency table of current UF people by type Easy UF
Frequency table of current UF people by last name Easy UF
List names and number of papers for authors on specified concept Medium UF
List faculty in a department with counts of papers, grants, and courses Medium
List faculty in descending order of papers published since 2009 Advanced UF
Count concepts per paper Medium
Find papers with "guideline" in the title Medium
Find 2014 papers in top 10 journals Medium
List papers in the College of Medicine for 2014 by count of collaborating departments Advanced
Count papers by department in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for 2014 Advanced
Find grants with "trial" in the title Medium
Find all NIH training grants since 2008 Advanced
List all the VIVO organizations that have an ISNI Easy
Frequency table of organization types Easy UF
List people in a college by department Medium UF
Count people in a college by departmentMedium UF
Count faculty, graduate students and postdocs for a unit Medium UF
"Easy" -- query for beginners. "Medium" -- a few more SPARQL features. "Advanced" -- lots of SPARQL features. "UF" uses UF local ontology extensions. All queries tested with VIVO-ISF ontology 1.6 for VIVO 1.6 and above