# List papers in the College of Medicine for 2014. # For each paper count the number of UF participating departments in # the author list. # SELECT ?uri (count(distinct ?hname) as ?ndept) (min(distinct ?xtitle) as ?title) WHERE { ?uri a bibo:AcademicArticle . ?uri vivo:dateTimeValue ?dv . ?dv vivo:dateTime ?d . FILTER(regex(?d,"^2014")) ?uri rdfs:label ?xtitle . ?uri vivo:relatedBy ?a . ?a a vivo:Authorship . ?a vivo:relates ?p . ?p a foaf:Person . ?p a ufVivo:UFEntity . { ufVivo:homeDeptFor ?p . rdfs:label ?hname .} UNION { obo:BFO_0000051 ?o . ?o ufVivo:homeDeptFor ?p . ?o rdfs:label ?hname .} } GROUP BY ?uri ORDER BY DESC(?ndept)